1、Single layer protective lens,drawer type installation,easy to replace.
2、D22 or D30 composite lens,the maximum carrying capacity of 2000W.
3、Can be matched with a variety of fiber laser.
4、Optimized optical design,water cooled,sealed,more durable and more stable.
5、Knob adjustment,convenient and afficient.
6、Multi seal,long-term use of internal lens-stability.
准直焦距 Collimating Focal Length):100/75
聚焦焦距 (Focal Length):100/125/150
调焦范围 (Focusing Range): ±4
水平调节 (Level Adjustment): ±1.5
通光孔径 (Optical Aperture): 25mm
气压强度(Pressure lntensity): 25Bar(最大 max)
重量 (Weight): 1.9KG
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